FKFP is running 3 ambulance service in Dera Allah Yar Jaffarabad Balochistan, Gandakha Usta Muhammad Balochistan & Mushtimba Muzaffarabad AJK where people had to walk for 2 to 3  hours to reach a decent doctor or a hospital. When we visited Balochistan earlier, FKFP had no intentions of starting this ambulance service. We just did a medical camp. During this camp, we saw 500 patients who were mostly children & women. During the camp, we came across a Baloch girl who was sick with an acute abdomen needing emergent surgery. However,family had no means to take her to Larkana to access the closest hospital. So, we borrowed our host’s car & took her to Larkana ourselves. At 3 am in the middle of nowhere riding in that car with that septic girl, we realized that we need an ambulance service set up in Jaffarabad emergently. So,thanks to Allah, we now have it launched. Now our ambulance services increasing in different location. If anyone of you is interested in joining us in this noble cause; let us know.

Cost of one Ambulance

vRescue Impact Created

  • Rescued more than 3000 patients from Gandhaka Balochistan, Dera Allah Yar Balochistan, Muzaffarabad AJK.
  •  Connected the wide gap between the farmer & basic healthcare.
  • Improved the healthcare indicators of the region by decreasing IMR & MMR.

Annual Month of Giving

In remote areas of Sindh, Balochistan & AJK there is big need of ambulances for transport patient to hospital.


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As long as poverty, injustice & inequality persist, none of us can truly rest. It doesn’t take much to change a life, Get in touch today and start making the difference.